Perfect picture to summarize the awesome community the Lord has provided here in Haiti!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Quick Update!
Today Cassandra, Joann, their younger sister, and mother met with Miquette. They showed up in typical Haitian fashion almost 2 hours late. Miquette and the family agreed to have all three children tested for placement in the TeacHaiti school.
Miquette explained that a majority of Haitian families really value education. On average, Haitian families would rather not have enough food to eat in order to save money to send their children to school.
I am really wrestling though the idea of "white people" coming in and saving the day. The last thing I want to do is harm (physically or emotionally) this family and the other families in this village.
Continue praying that the Lord would be at the center of this whole situation, and he would restore areas in all of our lives that are in need of healing.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Power of an Education
Most of my Saturday nights are spent at the Mattenleys. A bunch of us eat pizza, spend time together, and worship. It is always a great time.
Last Saturday after some much needed worship my roommate and I walked back to our house. It was about 9pm so it was dark and few people were out on the streets. We were walking and met up with 2 girls who were dragging a huge bag of plastic bottles. We began speaking to them in Creole, and they told us they were walking to the end of the road to dump the bottles in the trash pile. We exchanged a few more words and then wished them a goodnight.
Kellyanne and I continued our conversation about what God was teaching us but were soon interrupted by the 2 girls coming over to grab our hands. They walked us back to our house and we invited them in. They sat on our front porch and talked to us for 45 minutes. This was quite impressive considering my Creole speaking ability. I couldnt have done it without Kellyanne :)
Cassandra and Joann were the names of the 2 girls. Cassandra is 10 and Joann is 12. They were so sweet and very polite. During our conversation we found out the 2 girls were not in school because their mom did not have enough money. My heart broke immediately thinking the future for these girls would be very limited.
The girls went back home and came to visit us again on Sunday. I continued praying about what God would have my role be in this situation. I wanted to be compassionate yet wise with my actions.
On Monday Miquette, the founder for TeacHaiti, approached us saying she heard the 2 girls we had met were not in school. Miquette immediately said she would like to meet with them and their mother to see about getting them into the TeacHaiti school. What an answer to prayer!! I am still amazed with how God orchestrated that :)
Today we went to Cassandra and Joann's home to talk with their mother. Tomorrow at 1:00pm they will be meeting with Miquette about going to school. Please be praying that details work out and the girls would be able to attend school. My ultimate prayer is that God would be glorified and his love would shine stronger than anything else.
I will keep you updated! :)
Monday, December 12, 2011
Caribbean Christmas
Tonight Josiah, Nathaniel, and Damon came to our front door singing Christmas carols. What a wonderful surprise!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Christmas Bazaar
Yesterday we had a Christmas Bazaar on campus. I am trying to get into the Christmas spirit even though it is so warm out.
Here are some necklaces that children from TeachHaiti made.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
on my knees in prayer
God has been teaching me over the past month how to pray according to the scriptures. Tonight I spent time specifically praying for the Lord to give me the desires of his heart.
How incredible that I can go before the king with confidence that he will answer my prayers according to His word :)
"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him."
1 John 5:14-15
Sunday, November 27, 2011
About 20 teachers spent Thanksgiving in Port Salut near the coast of Haiti.The weekend was filled with fun games, singing, spelunking, swimming, and eating.
I am overwhelmed with God's faithfulness. Here are just a few things that happened this weekend that I am thankful for.
1. An authentic family of believers in Haiti
2. Food to eat
3. Long (6 hours) tap tap rides to play Gestures
4. Clean water to drink
5. A roof over my head
6. Jesus dying on the Cross so I can have everlasting life
7. God challenging and teaching me daily
8. The ability to play frisbee and volleyball
9. Safety and protection
10. Worship sessions
11. The beach
12. Mountains
13. The people of Haiti
14. Great conversations with friends
15. Caving Adventures
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Joy of Teaching
The past 2 weeks I have really enjoyed teaching. The Lord is really changing my heart!

Tomorrow we are making turkeys. We don't have candy corn in the grocery store, so I had to substitute them with marshmallows.

I will let you know how they go!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
2nd Grade Tears
In the past week I have had 7 students burst into hysterical tears. Having an overly-emotional teacher must have rubbed off on them :)
Claude is one of my students that the Lord has given me a special heart for. Claude is very active, extremely social, and always pushing the limits. I always have loved the troublemakers!
Today Claude cried so hard he threw up. He was crying because he was jealous that I was giving a compliment to another student. After talking with Claude he explained that he does not like when I compliment or encourage other students because it makes him think he is not good enough. In his head when I say Sally is a great friend it translates into him being a horrible friend.
After all the tears were wiped away, hugs were given, and I assured him of my love I couldnt help but think of the deeper issues going on in Claude's heart. Ultimately Claude desires to be loved. He wants to be valued. He longs to matter.
What a picture of my own life. I am constantly looking for love and value in the wrong places. I am looking for other people or things to find my identity. I want to matter to others no matter what the cost.
My prayer is that as the Lord teaches me to find my value in Christ alone my students would learn it as well.
Daily God is using my students to show me areas of sin and brokenness in my own life. I am so thankful and blessed by each one of my 2nd graders.
Daily God is using my students to show me areas of sin and brokenness in my own life. I am so thankful and blessed by each one of my 2nd graders.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Jacmel Adventure
Saturday, October 22, 2011
a quiet saturday in haiti...
Kellyanne, my roommate, is gone this weekend. It was a quiet and lonely Saturday here without her at our house. I spent the day doing lesson plans and just relaxing.
For dinner I went over to the Mattenley's for pizza. It is always nice to spend time with their family and be in fellowship with others. They open their house every Saturday and it is such a blessing!
After that I came home and listened to the Tennessee vs Alabama football game. I miss watching good SEC football. After the game, I skyped my friend Jeremy from college. It was nice to talk to him and catch up on things in life.
With the change of pace and down time I had today I was able to reflect on many things in my heart.
In college I was always around my best friends. I never ate a meal alone. Sarah and I would always cook dinner together or go to Chickfila. I could go into Katie's room and have a conversation about our feelings at anytime. Going over to Heistands and spending time with their family was so refreshing and felt so comfortable. The Gregory family was so welcoming, and I knew I was always welcomed there. I constantly was around people that I loved and who also loved me. What a sweet season of my life!
Not a day goes by that I don't miss college and my best friends. I think of Boone and all the memories that I made there often. I can easily dwell in the past and miss out on what God has for me now.
I pray that God would show me what He has for me in this season of my life. I pray that my eyes would not be blinded to the things that He is doing around me.
I pray God would give me a renewed joy for teaching and for the children in my class. I pray God would give me a heart that burns for Him. I pray that I would trust in God's goodness and feel His almighty love.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Waterfall Adventure
Monday we did not have school because it was a Haitian holiday. Amber, Katie, Irene, Robbie, Josiah, and I went on a hike to a waterfall. Here are some pictures!
The view on the way up.
All of us in front of the waterfall.
I love this picture just because of the palm tree :)
Monday, October 10, 2011
Muddy Monday
Today Amber, Katie and I played football in the mud. It was a perfect way to end a rainy Monday! I am so blessed by these girls :)
Sunday, October 2, 2011
True Community
I am beyond blessed by the people here in Haiti. Friday night I spent the night at the Ackerman's house up in the mountains. Mrs. Ackerman is the kindergarden teacher at QCS, and her husband works as a nurse in local clinic. We had great conversations about missions and life in Haiti. It was such a blessing to escape the city and be so welcomed in their home.
On Saturday night about 20 people got together to have a game night. It was so much fun to play games and get to know the different/ funnier sides of people. There were people of all ages there and in all different walks of life- singles, newly married couples, couples with young children, couples with older children, and couples that have retired. It was a late night full of fun and laughter.
This morning after church the Ooostland family took me out to lunch. Their daughter, Jenna, is in my 2nd grade class. It was such a blessing spending time getting to know them better.
God is so incredible. I am amazed at how he knows my needs, wants, and desires even more than I know my own. I am in awe of how God uses his people in all walks of life to further His kingdom and bring Him glory!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Beach Day
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Tomorrow is in Your hands
I am so blessed by my roommate Kellyanne. I love our late night talks about who God is and what is He is doing in our hearts.
Here are the lyrics:
Kellyanne wrote a song a few years back titled "Tomorrow is in your hands." She played it tonight for me. I was reminded of God's goodness, love and sovereignty.
Here are the lyrics:
"I don't need to know tomorrow. All I need to know is You are good. I don't need to know the beginning and the end. You are faithful. I choose not to fear tomorrow because I know you walk before me. Your plans they are good. Your way is perfect. I choose to believe you will guide me."
an excerpt from my journal
"....I am really discouraged. I feel like I am the biggest failure and loser alive. I feel like I have nothing to offer, and I feel like I am good for nothing.
I feel like I can't do anything well. I can’t sing. I can’t play volleyball. I can’t speak Creole. I don’t have any good hobbies. I can’t cook. I can’t bake. I am not godly enough.
God I know those things are so silly but that is honestly how I am feeling. I know that I need to find my value and my worth in you. Help me to do that. I am out of my comfort zone in Haiti. Instead of clinging to you and trying to find my worth in you, I want to cling and find it in what people think of me.
Help me not to compare myself to others. Help me to believe and trust that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Help me to know that my faith and my worth does not come from my feelings and what I think of myself. My worth and value also does not come from what others think of me. Help me to find my value in what you think of me.
God you loved me SO much you sent your son to die for me on the cross. You sent Jesus to die in my place so that I could live forever and be in a relationship with you. Help me to believe that. Help me to truly know that you are enough and you need to be the only things that matters to me.
God help me cling to you. Help me take the focus off myself and put the focus on you.
Change my heart. Show me what it looks like to love you more each day and bring glory to your name...."
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
A weekend in the country!
This weekend has been wonderful and relaxing. Mrs. Graham, the 4th grade teacher at QCS, invited KellyAnne and I out to her place for the weekend. Her husband and her have lived in Haiti for 6 years and work with CSI missions. It has been such a blessing getting to know them.
This morning we went on a hike to an old pineapple plantation.
Makes me miss the mountains of North Carolina. |
It was so nice to see green. |
Old remains from some buildings on the plantation |
This weekend has been filled with great conversations, fun card games, and tasty home cooked meals. I continually am overwhelmed with God's goodness and faithfulness. I am amazed at how he loves me and lavishes his blessings upon me.
Thank you, Jesus!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Supermarket Escapade
Today after school Amber, Josiah, Nathaniel, and I went to Eagle. I was very proud of myself for only going to the grocery store once this week. I went in to buy my weekly supply of Special K Cereal and Coca Cola Light. I might go poor buying these things every week but it is completely worth the $14.00 that it brings me in happiness.
Amber and I had checked out and were waiting on the boys when all of a sudden a fight broke out. These two men dressed in business attire started hitting, punching, and kicking each other. Before we knew it the security men swarm in from outside with their guns. All the Haitians that were around started screaming, "kill him. kill him. kill him." After a few minutes things settled down and the men were escorted to the front of the store to sort things out. Apparently the fight was over a man trying to steal a bottle of mouthwash. Someone must have told him he really had bad breath ;)
I have started to realize that Haitian culture is a culture of extremes. Extreme differences in the wealthy class and poor class. Extreme differences in the way people treat you. A perfect example of this extremity is found with the Creole language. You either hate someone (rayi) or love them (renmen). There is no word for liking someone.
As I was walking back down the street from the supermarket, I started to think about the extremes in my own heart when it comes to my faith. I can be all about God one moment and the next moment forget everything.
I am reminded that my relationship with God is not based on my feelings. It is not about what I do and how I feel, rather it is completely about what Jesus did on the cross for me. I am challenged to live each day for Christ allowing Him alone to direct my paths.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Today was a great day, but I am exhausted! At 9am this morning a few teachers got together to take cooking lessons from Milan- one of the Haitian cooks at the school.
First we made a list of the dishes that we were preparing, and then we headed down to the market (mache) to buy what we needed.
We went back to Tiffany's house to prepare pickliz, potato salad, beans and rice, beef taso, fried plantain, a marinade for the meat, red Haitian sauce and fresh lime juice.
First we made a list of the dishes that we were preparing, and then we headed down to the market (mache) to buy what we needed.
I love all the fresh veggies on the streets. |
I felt very brave eating meat from the market. |
Frying the plantains |
After 7 hours of preparing food, we finally sat down to eat. I had no idea how long it was going to take to prepare everything. I would be lying if while we were learning to cook and prepare everything I said that I was not frustrated, hungry, and exhausted.
God is definitely teaching me patience. I can only imagine how I frustrate God when I repeatedly choose my ways over His, when I trust myself rather than Him, or when I look for satisfaction in other things. I am so thankful that I serve a God full of love, mercy, and grace.
Girls Night
Last night we had a girls night with the teachers that live on campus. Amber, Kellyanne, and I are the single ones. Irene, Tiffany, and Katie are married. Miquett is engaged and is getting married in October. We are all different ages and at different stages in our lives, yet God uses each one of the women to remind me of Himself. I am amazed at their faith and how they are seeking after the Lord. I am so blessed by the fellowship of Believers here at QCS.
I am reminded of 1 Corinthians 12 when Paul discusses spiritual gifts and how the the body of Christ should work. God is using each one of us for a specific purpose while we are in Haiti. I am so thankful that everyone is not just like me, and that God chooses to use us all to bring Him glory!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
mouse in the house
I like to think that I am not scared of many things. Tonight I was eating dinner over at Amber's place and all of a sudden a mouse scurried across the floor. By the way I screamed you would have thought that I was being killed. Amber and I decided to toughen up and try to poke the mouse out from behind the cabinets and then sweep it outside. It was an epic failure. Our next plan was to set a mouse trap. We failed at that too. Finally we decided it was time to call in the experts... the guy neighbors. They helped us set the trap and we used peanut butter as bait. We are hoping to have our first mouse experience end in nothing less than DEATH!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
John 3:16-17
It is official. I am horrible at keeping a blog. My goal is to be more consistent with posting.
We have been in school for one week. I absolutely love my second graders... all 26 of them! All but two of the children in my class are Haitian. Creole is their first language, but they all speak English very well. The children are from affluent Haitian families or local missionary families. I am excited to get to know them more and see how the Lord draws them closer to Himself.
Living on campus with the other teachers is such a blessing. We eat dinner together, play games together, and just talk about life. I am experiencing God's love and faithfulness through the people and the friendships here at QCS.
This morning Amber, Josiah and I got up early and went into a local village. This has been one of my favorite things to do! Josiah was in Haiti for a semester last year and started playing soccer with the some kids on the street. After he got to know them and form relationships with them, they took him to their house. Since then he has met their families and other people in their village. Going into the village and home of the Haitians is wonderful. The children are so joyful, welcoming, and eager to see you. Playing and loving on the children really puts in perspective what is important in life.
We have been in school for one week. I absolutely love my second graders... all 26 of them! All but two of the children in my class are Haitian. Creole is their first language, but they all speak English very well. The children are from affluent Haitian families or local missionary families. I am excited to get to know them more and see how the Lord draws them closer to Himself.
Living on campus with the other teachers is such a blessing. We eat dinner together, play games together, and just talk about life. I am experiencing God's love and faithfulness through the people and the friendships here at QCS.
This morning Amber, Josiah and I got up early and went into a local village. This has been one of my favorite things to do! Josiah was in Haiti for a semester last year and started playing soccer with the some kids on the street. After he got to know them and form relationships with them, they took him to their house. Since then he has met their families and other people in their village. Going into the village and home of the Haitians is wonderful. The children are so joyful, welcoming, and eager to see you. Playing and loving on the children really puts in perspective what is important in life.
I am wrestling through how to serve and love the children on the streets in Haiti. I do not know specifically what that looks like right now. What I do know is that God loves each child on the street so much more that I can even fathom.
Over the past couple of days I have been greatly humbled and aware of all the brokenness in my life. Brokenness in my own heart and everywhere around me. God did not intend for all of this brokenness and sin in the world. He also does not intend to leave us or the world this way. God sent Jesus to die for our sins so we could be in relationship with Him. God is making us new and he is redeeming the world in which we live. Most days I wish this was a faster process, but I know God is sovereign and good.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
1 week
I have officially been in Haiti for one week. I am overwhelmed with God's presence in my life. Amidst all the change I have experienced His peace, love, and faithfulness in way I have not experienced before.
Students start class on Tuesday. I am excited to meet my 2nd graders and start the school year. God has put quite a task in front of me to educate and shape the minds of these children. The more I plan lessons the more I realize that I can not do what the Lord has called me to do in Haiti without His strength and guidance.
Many of the students in my class are not believers. Many students come from a broken family. Many students lost parents in the earthquake. Many students are looking for love.
My prayer is that each child would come to know Jesus and that they would begin to learn the importance of living a life completely surrender to Him. Please join me in praying that God would begin preparing the 2nd graders hearts and minds for great things this year!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Pencils and Pens
I have been busy with school meetings and getting my classroom together. Keeping busy has been good. I have all my bulletin boards and posters up in my room. I have to start lesson planning which is really overwhelming. I have to remind myself that whether I was in Haiti or America I would have to do this.
Today I went to the school office to ask for some supplies for my desk. I needed some pens, pencils, tape, and folders. When I asked for some she gave me 2 of each. I was taken aback when that is all she gave me. Does she know that I loose pens and can't keep track of the last place I left it?
I went back to my room a little annoyed. Once I sat down with my 4 writing utensils for the year I started to think about why I need a whole box of each. I only write with one hand. It would make sense to only have one pen.
I am used to living in excess- having more than enough of what I need and what I want. In Haiti God is definitely blessing me with more than the bare essentials, but I have been stripped away from many of the comforts in my life.
When we choose to step out of our comfort zone and trust Jesus it will be hard. God does not promise that it will be easy. There will be times we cry ourselves to sleep, times we want to give up, times we are frustrated, and times that we feel lonely. God does promise that during all of these times He will be with us. He alone is enough.
He alone is enough for all of me. I pray that I would really believe that with my whole heart.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
My Prayer
God I pray that I would trust you. Show me what it looks like to surrender my ways to your ways. Show me what it looks like to get my strength and joy from you. Show me how to step outside of myself and serve you. Show me what it looks like to put aside my emotions and trust in your sovereignty. God I need you. I need you for everything. Help me find comfort and peace in you alone.
This song from Laura Story is a great reminder that in my trails God is faithful!
We pray for blessings, we pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things
Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops?
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near?
What if trials of this life
Are Your mercies in disguise?
We pray for wisdom, Your voice to hear
We cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt Your goodness, we doubt Your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
And all the while You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe
Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears?
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near?
And what if trials of this life
Are Your mercies in disguise
When friends betray us, when darkness seems to win
We know the pain reminds this heart
That this is not, this is not our home
It's not our home
Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears?
And what if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near?
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the achings of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst
This world can’t satisfy?
And what if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are Your mercies in disguise?
This song from Laura Story is a great reminder that in my trails God is faithful!
We pray for blessings, we pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love us way too much to give us lesser things
Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops?
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near?
What if trials of this life
Are Your mercies in disguise?
We pray for wisdom, Your voice to hear
We cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt Your goodness, we doubt Your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
And all the while You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe
Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears?
What if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near?
And what if trials of this life
Are Your mercies in disguise
When friends betray us, when darkness seems to win
We know the pain reminds this heart
That this is not, this is not our home
It's not our home
Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears?
And what if a thousand sleepless nights
Are what it takes to know You’re near?
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the achings of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst
This world can’t satisfy?
And what if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are Your mercies in disguise?
Monday, August 8, 2011
I slept really well after quite an adventure yesterday. I didn't get any mosquito bites and the air was on all night. God totally provided with those 2 things. He probably knew if I was hot and I eaten alive by bugs after such an eventful day I would be out of here in a day! :)
This morning we had a staff meeting. It was really encouraging to meet and get to know the other teachers. They were all really friendly and made me feel welcomed. There are a mix of teachers. Some of them are older, some are younger, some are new to Haiti, and some have lived here a long time. After the meeting I felt very refreshed and excited about the year. Having a mission and goal was really helpful in keeping me focused.
I had sometime to clean out my classroom. The previous teacher who taught 2nd grade left things very organized and was really sweet in the notes she left. God really used that today! In Haiti there is alot of dust. There was tons of dust on everything. The word dusting has a whole new meaning! Supposedly tomorrow morning there will be more dust on everything I just cleaned today...oh well! I rearranged desks and started to decorate. I will put pictures up soon.
This afternoon I skyped my mom and dad. That was really good, but I got a bit sad after that. Soon I was quickly distracted by going to the grocery store. Giant had everything that you would need. Some of the brands I love were there. It cost a lot more in the States but dont worry dad I will budget carefully.
When I got back I went for a run with one of the new teachers around the school campus. Each lap around the campus is about a quarter of a mile. When I came back to shower I found out that our water was out. They have a cistern but it was low and we didnt give enough notice to have it refilled. I went over the campus apartments and took a shower in one of the other teachers places.
I had dinner with a bunch of the new teachers. It was awesome to have dinner together, form relationships, and share our hearts. It was such a blessing to end the night on such a wonderful note.
God is faithful. I need to open my eyes and choose to see Him. My mom said to me today two things that were really wise.
~You cannot live each day on a roller coster. But - it is normal to go through an emotional time. Trust in the Lord, not on your emotions.
~ Take each day at a time and trust in the Lord.
My prayer is that that would become my heart and desire....Trust God not myself.
This morning we had a staff meeting. It was really encouraging to meet and get to know the other teachers. They were all really friendly and made me feel welcomed. There are a mix of teachers. Some of them are older, some are younger, some are new to Haiti, and some have lived here a long time. After the meeting I felt very refreshed and excited about the year. Having a mission and goal was really helpful in keeping me focused.
I had sometime to clean out my classroom. The previous teacher who taught 2nd grade left things very organized and was really sweet in the notes she left. God really used that today! In Haiti there is alot of dust. There was tons of dust on everything. The word dusting has a whole new meaning! Supposedly tomorrow morning there will be more dust on everything I just cleaned today...oh well! I rearranged desks and started to decorate. I will put pictures up soon.
This afternoon I skyped my mom and dad. That was really good, but I got a bit sad after that. Soon I was quickly distracted by going to the grocery store. Giant had everything that you would need. Some of the brands I love were there. It cost a lot more in the States but dont worry dad I will budget carefully.
When I got back I went for a run with one of the new teachers around the school campus. Each lap around the campus is about a quarter of a mile. When I came back to shower I found out that our water was out. They have a cistern but it was low and we didnt give enough notice to have it refilled. I went over the campus apartments and took a shower in one of the other teachers places.
I had dinner with a bunch of the new teachers. It was awesome to have dinner together, form relationships, and share our hearts. It was such a blessing to end the night on such a wonderful note.
God is faithful. I need to open my eyes and choose to see Him. My mom said to me today two things that were really wise.
~You cannot live each day on a roller coster. But - it is normal to go through an emotional time. Trust in the Lord, not on your emotions.
~ Take each day at a time and trust in the Lord.
My prayer is that that would become my heart and desire....Trust God not myself.
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