Monday, April 30, 2012

Thanks Amber :) 

Citadel Success

Our first attempt had been a failure. Not a complete failure, we were still able to have fun (see post here), but we did not achieve our one goal of the trip: visit the Citadel. So, we decided to try again. We counted the hours and realized that we could attempt this trip on a regular weekend. We didn’t need to wait weeks for the next long weekend to come around. We wanted to see this thing and, in true American instant gratification style, we wanted to see it now. The plan: Leave Friday right after school and stay in Cange. Leave early Saturday morning, drive to the Citadel, walk around take many pictures. Stay in Cap Haitien Saturday night and drive back to Port au Prince on Sunday morning. We checked out a car and prayed it would work. That was the only thing that stopped us last time, a busted vehicle. We got the thumbs up from our mechanic friend. We called any friends (or acquaintances) and begged for a porch or front yard to camp in. We packed our snacks and gear and left freakishly on time on Friday afternoon.

The "Haiti Bingo" game that Jill made for us. We saw everything on the list except for "Airplane."

Our goal for Friday was to get out of the city and make it to Cange, a small village on the outskirts of the Central Plateau and home to Paul Farmer’s organization Zanmi Lasante. Paul Farmer is Haiti famous from decades of work in Haiti and his work with Bill Clinton when he was U.S. Special Envoy to Haiti. Tracy Kidder wrote a great book about Farmer’s work in Haiti in his book Mountains Beyond Mountains. We were actually staying at the Zanmi Lasante clinic in Cange. On my flight back to Haiti in January I sat next to a guy who was on his way to intern in Cange as an engineer with this organization doing water treatment and other tasks in that category. I asked if we could crash on their property Friday night and htey agreed, letting us sleep on a sweet porch at their clinic. (Side note: I rarely describe something as “tight” but this place was tight! Their large compound had amazing buildings, was incredibly clean, and had working power and working toilets! We are easy to impress.) The people there were very hospitable as we cooked on their white tile porch and set up our hammocks everywhere. 
View from the balcony.

It looked like an advertisement for Eno Hammocks.

Before we got to Cange though, we were greeted with yet another piece of the beautiful Haitian countryside. We crawled through large green mountains and after one turn came upon a large lake that was made even more beautiful by the sun setting on the water and the dark grey storm clouds rolling in. 

View from inside the car...not the best picture of the scene, but it'll do. 
After a good night’s sleep in Cange, we were up and in the car by 6 am and heading to the Citadel! We drove 45 minutes to the slightly larger town of Hinche. We refueled on gas and prepared our bodies for the next part of the drive. Thus far on the trip our bottoms had been spoiled by nicely paved roads with minimal bumps, but we knew this was about to change. We had been told that the road after Hinche all the way to Cap Haitien was rough, really rough. They were right.
For the next few hours we bumped and rattled along the road. It wasn’t all that bad, and Nathaniel (who was driving) did a great job of finding the smooth parts of the road. But, the road ended up being too much for our beat up car. After a small river crossing, and as we were driving on one of the smoother parts of a road through the village of Saint Raphael, we heard the heartbreaking sound of metal crashing to the road. After checking it out Nathaniel told us “Oooh, we lost something BIG!”
River crossing Oregon Trail style. No oxen were lost. 
Yup, the drive shaft just fell out of the car. We aren’t sure if we started with all four bolts, or slightly less than four, but the rattling of the road had loosened whatever bolts we started out with and the drive shaft just fell out of the bottom of the car. 

Is this bad? It looks bad.

"Do we need this?"
As we all got out and bent down to inspect the damage, we drew quite a crowd. We could do nothing but laugh and agree that, at least we had made it further than the last time. Our hopes of seeing the Citadel faded as we looked at the large chunk of metal on the ground, but our group is just amazing and we all stayed in good spirits (Ironically, we had just listened to a podcast on Contentment about 15 minutes before the car broke down….coincidence?). 
A few minutes after we the boys had diagnosed our problem as just a few simple missing bolts, a very legit looking man on a moto rode up and said he could fix our car. He drove back into the main part of the village and returned 15 minutes later with bolts and tools. In a very anti-climactic moment he crawled under the car, did some stuff, and sent us on our way for only $25 US. Quite a bargain.

Everyone checking out what's happening under the car. 
We continued our drive with almost no excitement. The road was rough, but the car stayed in one piece. We began to crawl through mountains and then one moment we turned the corner and there it was, sitting atop a mountain in the distance, the Citadel! (More to come….)

View of the Citadel looking very small at this distance. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

words of wisdom from my mother

I love my parents. The older I get the more I love them and the more I value their involvement in my life. In college, my mom and dad were always the first people I would call if something exciting happened. They were also the first people I would call if I had a terrible day. I would call for advice, wisdom, and prayer.

If something was urgent (if you know me almost everything is) this was my typical routine...

First, I would call my mom. If my mom didnt answer her cell phone, I would call the home phone. If no one answered that phone, I would call my dad. If my dad didnt answer, I would call my brother. My parents used to joke about how obnoxious it was. Ok ok ok... looking back it was obnoxious. Truth was I just really wanted to talk to them, immediately!

That is so often true about things in my life. I want it now. I do not want to wait. I desire things right away. 

Right now God is teaching me both patience and contentment. I need to surrender my own desires, wants, and plans over to the God of the Universe. I need to trust in His timing. He has proven faithful time and time again. I just need to be patient. 

As I learn patience, I need to also learn contentment. I need to not miss out on the blessings of today because I am wishing I was in a different season of my life. 

I was discussing this with my mom for the billionith time tonight. She is so patient in listening to the same old things time and time again. But tonight she said something different that really stood out at me. She said, "Jill,  sometimes we keep wanting "something" so badly that eventually God will let us have it. BUT often times in giving us that "something" we are not getting God's best." 

Wow. Think about that. Sometimes we keep wanting "something" so badly that eventually God will let us have it. BUT often times in giving us that "something" we are not getting God's best.

God what do I want so badly that I am willing to take control in my own hands? What all consuming desires are standing between me and God? What am I willing to do to make my own desires a reality? 

My heart echos one of the 2nd graders prayer today, "God, I hate that I feel this way. I don't like it one bit. Change my heart. Set me free."

Tonight I am praying for patience in God's plan. Tonight I am praying for contentment. God I beg for freedom. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I am ready to admit some things publicly. I am sure it wont be a shock but maybe I have fooled some people...

I am super scattered. I lose things all the time. I am not organized. I am messy. I can never find what I am looking. And I am not a details person at all. 

Since being in Haiti I have started to comply a list of some things that I really want to do in my life, but I lost it. Imagine that! 

I have never lost my computer... at least not yet. That is why I will keep track of my list on my blog! 

Go on an African Safari 

Take a voyage down the Nile River

Ride in a hot air balloon

Learn to expertly cook 5 meals

Run a half marathon

Purchase a road bike and train to do the BST in Boone.

Teach in an inner city school

Monday, April 23, 2012

LeAnn Visits Haiti!

Last year, around this time, I remember the countless conversations I had with LeAnn about the pros and cons of teaching in Haiti. I remember her saying, "Jill, stop worry and just go. It's only one year out of your entire life." Her down to earth comments were always exactly what I needed to hear when I was being my overanalyzing self. Throughout college she spoke truth into my life and demonstrated how to live authentically for Christ. The Lord has used LeAnn to truly impacted who I am today!

Having LeAnn here to visit for the weekend was so special!  She was able to meet my Haiti family, my 2nd graders, and experience a bit of Haiti life.

Here is a quick glimpse of what we did! 

I braved the Haitian roads and drove to the airport with Amber to pick LeAnn up on Saturday morning. (She missed her Friday flight just to get me Chickfila!) 

Saturday afternoon we visited Madame Joseph's family. LeAnn even received a French lesson with Cassandra. 

Sunday night we enjoyed our chicken dinners. Of course I ate the best meal of my life while LeAnn ate street chicken! 

 On Monday,  LeAnn spent the day with my 2nd graders. We loved having her there.

Annabel, Alexa, and LeAnn enjoying lunch at the picnic tables.

I am so thankful that LeAnn came to visit. It was so special to share my life in Haiti with her! 

Who wants to come to visit next? 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Giving God Tomorrow

It’s tempting to be distracted from the call of faithfulness today by the lure of tomorrow. 

God is teaching me to be content right where He has me. It is a hard thing for me to not let my mind wondering to the next day, year, or season in my life. As part of developing a heart of contentment and joy, I want to get in the of writing down moments/things for which I am thankful. 

Today I am thankful for these moments:

1. Being greeted with big hugs from the 2nd graders this morning
2. My students respectful attitudes during class
3. Hearing giggles of the 1st graders on the monkeybars
4. A cool afternoon breeze
5. Jogging around the campus with children running behind me
6. Pleasant lunch conversations with my students
7. Dave's excitement to sit in my lap while tutoring 
8. Alexa sharing her popcorn with me during snack
9. Black coffee
10. Ice cold water
11. A desire to workout
12. Nathaniel and Josiah cooking a delicious dinner to share
13. Great friends and conversations about life
14. Prayer time with Kellyanne 
15. Jello
16. Amber's cookie treat
17. A purring cat to snuggle with 
18. Candlelight
19. Encouraging skype call with Sarah
20. Patience to get through the school day

God is always surrounding me with His goodness, love, and faithfulness. I just have to choose to see it.  Join me in praying for a heart of contentment in serving the Lord moment by moment! 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

He is ALIVE!

"He will never fail. Greater than all we see. Greater than all we ask. He has done great things. Lifted up. Defeated the grave. Raised to life. Our God is able." 

Here is a quick recap of my Easter Sunday! 

-At church we listened to the Easter sermon streamed from Andy Stanley's church in Atlanta, GA. 

-Our church had a potluck with lots of yummy food. 

-I had my first lesson on how to drive a stick shift car. And yes, it was pretty successful. 

-We finished watching the second Lord of the Rings, and started the third. 

-We ended the night with a few hours of night volleyball. 

An entry from my journal tonight.... 

Dear God,

I want to find my happiness and joy in you. I want you to be enough for me. I want you to satisfy the deepest longings in my heart. I want to find pleasure in nothing else but you. Daily I look to people, activities, or things to find my worth and happiness. God show yourself to me in a way that I can’t help but love you more than everything else in my life! 

"God has created NOTHING that will give you more pleasure than Himself." 

Jillian Hall 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Check out this blog! Featured are a few missionaries (including myself) working in Haiti to bring glory to God!

Monday, April 2, 2012

I love this song!
