Wednesday, April 25, 2012

words of wisdom from my mother

I love my parents. The older I get the more I love them and the more I value their involvement in my life. In college, my mom and dad were always the first people I would call if something exciting happened. They were also the first people I would call if I had a terrible day. I would call for advice, wisdom, and prayer.

If something was urgent (if you know me almost everything is) this was my typical routine...

First, I would call my mom. If my mom didnt answer her cell phone, I would call the home phone. If no one answered that phone, I would call my dad. If my dad didnt answer, I would call my brother. My parents used to joke about how obnoxious it was. Ok ok ok... looking back it was obnoxious. Truth was I just really wanted to talk to them, immediately!

That is so often true about things in my life. I want it now. I do not want to wait. I desire things right away. 

Right now God is teaching me both patience and contentment. I need to surrender my own desires, wants, and plans over to the God of the Universe. I need to trust in His timing. He has proven faithful time and time again. I just need to be patient. 

As I learn patience, I need to also learn contentment. I need to not miss out on the blessings of today because I am wishing I was in a different season of my life. 

I was discussing this with my mom for the billionith time tonight. She is so patient in listening to the same old things time and time again. But tonight she said something different that really stood out at me. She said, "Jill,  sometimes we keep wanting "something" so badly that eventually God will let us have it. BUT often times in giving us that "something" we are not getting God's best." 

Wow. Think about that. Sometimes we keep wanting "something" so badly that eventually God will let us have it. BUT often times in giving us that "something" we are not getting God's best.

God what do I want so badly that I am willing to take control in my own hands? What all consuming desires are standing between me and God? What am I willing to do to make my own desires a reality? 

My heart echos one of the 2nd graders prayer today, "God, I hate that I feel this way. I don't like it one bit. Change my heart. Set me free."

Tonight I am praying for patience in God's plan. Tonight I am praying for contentment. God I beg for freedom. 

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