Monday, August 8, 2011

Hard day

Yesterday I flew to Haiti. It was really really sad leaving my family. I cried the entire time in the airport. I know people thought I was crazy. As I have gotten older I have realized how much they mean to me and how much I really love them!

I got onto the airplane and there was a woman who I had met at NVM last summer when I was in Haiti. It was nice to see a familiar face. While we were in the air there was a medical emergency. A woman was having an asthma attack. She ended up being ok but we had to land in the Dominican Republic to get more oxygen. 

While we were in the DR we were had to wait a little bit on the airplane for them to refuel and get the oxygen. People are the plane were really frustrated. All of a sudden a Haitian man started screaming and yelling. He was mad that we had to wait so long and his yelling caused the other Haitians on the plane to get upset as well. After about 45 minutes of this the pilot came over the loud speakers and said that it needed to stop or we were all going to have to get off the plane and it would take even longer to get to Haiti. This made the Haitians even more mad. Eventually about 10 DR police came aboard. They cleared half the plane and then arrested about 15 people. 

While this was all going on I was crying and praying. The woman I knew from NVM was right in front of me holding my hand. The other Haitians around me were really sweet and told me it would be ok. The whole time I was thinking, "God what the heck am I doing going to Haiti."

Yesterday was really hard. I know that each day will be hard. I need God. I need to trust in His promises. I need to rely on Him alone. Just like today he proved faithful. He has always and will always be faithful. 

Pray that I would trust Him and trust in His plan for my life. 


  1. Wow! Praying honey! Thanks for the update! Love you!

  2. The kids and I are praying for you! Glad you made it...that was quite a way to make your entrance.

