Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I just finished reading Donald Miller's book "Through Painted Deserts." It is about two guys who go on a road trip across the States to contemplate life.  On their trip the guys try to figure out who they are and what is really important.

I could relate to these guy's questions in many ways. What is my purpose? Why are things this way? Why do I feel certain ways? Who am I really?

I have a tendency to complicate things that were not meant to be complicated. I often over analyze situations that were not meant to be analyzed. I have a habit of making things more dramatic than they really are. I think I need more than what I have. I dream about how things could be different. 

I have to stop myself. God has commanded me to love Him. 

Its that simple. 

 LOVE      GOD       WITH       MY      WHOLE     HEART. 

God is teaching me to love Him alone. 

1 comment:

  1. Liked this very much....and it IS simple: Love God or as a friend of mine repeats often, "God IS Love", which we all know. Another way you are like me.....one of the things I have found hardest in life, is to Let Go, and Let God....I always tried to "fix" everything myself and "analyse it to death" :-) Love you.

