Over the past few days, I have been remembering a conversation that some of us had one night. We were all sitting around in Amber's apartment talking about our lives in Haiti. We started to discuss the way we live our lives here, and the things God was teaching us.
Here were some of our thoughts....
Sometimes I wish we were working more directly with the people living in poverty.
I feel guilty for having running water and electricity.
It doesn't feel like I am doing anything beneficial or making a difference.
It's almost like we are trapped inside this "white" bubble.
I have wrestled though and continue to wrestle through so many of these things. But just recently it hit me. Really hit me.
My mission field is my classroom.
Teaching isn't the most glamourous job. I do not have "jaw dropping" stories of saving starving children. I live with a solid roof and walls around me. I have the opportunity to travel around Haiti and see its beauty. But the Lord has blessed me with the opportunity to impact my little 2nd graders minds for Jesus.
My main focus needs to be on loving the 25 second graders God has placed in my life. It seems simple. It seems straightforward. It seems clear. But on days that are hard and on days that I feel discontent it is so easy to forget why the Lord has called me to Haiti...
Oh, My Dear Jillian.....God knew what He was doing when He led you to Haiti!!!! And what a lesson you have learned, and are learning. My love and admiration for you is indescribable. Can hardly wait to see you :-) Grandma'